Ethereum: What does a double spend look like?


Double spending is a security vulnerability in the Ethereum network that allows an attacker to spend a token twice. In this article, we will explore what double spending looks like and provide examples of how it can happen.

What is double spending?

Simply put, double spending occurs when a user attempts to spend the same token (known as the “base” or “prime”) twice. This means that the attacker controls two separate transactions: one in which they send the original amount of the token, and another in which they attempt to spend it again. The goal is to exploit this vulnerability by creating new blocks on the chain without validating them, allowing the transaction to be included in a future block.

How ​​does double spending happen?

Double spending can occur when:

  • A user can control multiple wallets with the same private key.
  • An attacker creates multiple transactions with the same base token and attempts to spend it twice.
  • The network is not properly validated or secured, allowing duplicate transactions to be included in the block.

Example on

To illustrate what a double spend looks like, let’s look at an example from Ethereum’s “0x1234567890abcdef”. Let’s assume this user has multiple wallets with different private keys and controls two separate accounts:

  • Account 1: “0x9876543210fedcba”.
  • Account 2: “0x1234567890fedcba”.

In this case, an attacker can create the following transactions:

Transaction 1 (initial spend):

  • Use “0.1 ETH” from wallet “0x9876543210fedcba” for a public transaction.

Transaction 2 (overlapping spend):

  • Spend 0.5 ETH from wallet 0x1234567890fedcba again, but this time the network will not confirm it because it is an invalid half of a double spend.

Half of a double spend remains invalid after 0 confirmations?

In most cases, a single block containing overlapping transactions may not be confirmed immediately. Instead, it is possible that the transaction may remain unconfirmed for several blocks or even become part of a future block if the network is properly secured.

However, in some rare cases, an incorrect half of a double spend can achieve 1 or 2 confirmations depending on several factors, including:

  • Network congestion and latency
  • Transaction confirmation rules (e.g. requiring multiple signatures)
  • Number of transactions included in a block

It is important to note that the Ethereum team has implemented measures to mitigate double spend vulnerabilities, including a cryptographic proof that makes it more difficult for attackers to create duplicate transactions.


Double spend is a security risk on the Ethereum network that can be exploited by malicious actors. Understanding what double spend looks like and how it occurs is crucial when understanding the importance of maintaining secure networks and protecting against such vulnerabilities. By following best practices, using secure wallets, and staying up to date with network updates, we can minimize the risks associated with double spend.

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