However, it is unreadable
The series follows Catherine Ravenscroft, a TV documentary journalist whose work is based on exposing wrongdoings in long-respected institutions. The exceptionally talented Russian blue cat improvises all her actions and dialogue at Ravenscroft House.
Never read the book, so treat the series as a standalone
In several episodes, Jonathan uses the same lens, a medium telephoto lens. Such a lens would not be able to focus on intimate subjects in a selfie with Sasha or in the bedroom with Catherine.
The series is too long, too drawn out
It was intriguing and mysterious for the first few episodes, but by the fifth episode I was like “Oh my God, stop it”. Catherine’s silence/constant interruptions as she tries to tell her side of the story seem like a plot device to keep the story moving.
A clear preparation for a “turn”
Constant, detailed sex scenes are just ew. Literally pornographic.